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Symphony Concert - Bedřich Smetana

Music and Painting

During the symphony concerts "My motherland" by Bedrich Smetana, given March 20th and 21st in the famous congress hall EUROGRESS, in Aachen, by the town Symphonic Orchestra, images were projected with 6 paintings realized by the painter Emil Ciocoiu especially for this occasion.

The 6 paintings were also be exhibited in the foyer of EUROGRESS hall, in a special exhibition dedicated to this exceptionnal occasion combining music and painting.

Vysehrad | Die Moldau | Sárka | Aus Böhmens Hain und Flur | Tábor | Blanik 


With the Conductor Kazem Abdullah with Emil Ciocoiu, in front of the painting "Die Moldau".


Pictures of the vernissage, before the concert:

Pictures of the projections, during the concert:

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